Friday, February 25, 2011


我和 Xin Tian 已经 4 个多月没回去Sunway College 了,昨天回去办文件,看看 Sha Jing 过的怎么样。





更意想不到的是,以前我们每个星期至少有3天会去 order Teh Ice & Maggi Goreng 的 mamak 小档,两位员工竟然认得我们,并问候我们,超有人情味的

原本要 在mamak 隔壁档口 order 珍珠奶茶,被他们叫一下,变去喝 Teh Ice 了。我们还答应他们,星期一的午餐,非到不可!

kakak ah kakak,希望你 sik do 啦,大碟一点嘛 :)

以前啊,有时候我们要 order,他们还会因为我们只有两个人,不要特地炒给我们;现在我们不在了啊,搬学校了,他们问说,怎么我们那么就都没来叫东西吃。。可见我们吃得次数还不少哦 :)

真的怀念那个味道!Teh Ice 还是那么好喝!!期待着星期一 ... ...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Birthday to BABA ♥


 亲爱的爸爸,生日快乐 ♥


爸爸 :“ WOI! 你要我骂你啊?!做么还没有睡?!你要在开学的第一天让我开刀是吗?



Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

❤❤ 谢谢你 ❤❤

听到你的笑声,我就心满意足了 :)

得到你的拥抱,就感到幸福快乐了 :)

看到你的笑容,够力了!被你迷倒了 :)


我要的是长长久久的相爱、一份真诚的心,就好了 :D

再来,我希望你会喜欢我送你的 “ 免费礼物 ”。 



又或者是想我想到够够力的时候,打开你的邮件,按一按,笑一个,就行了 :]


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I am soooo woman :]

我不得不承认,这个真的很香 =D


福建话叫 “ 虾米辣 ” (其他话我不懂)

我全程都在外婆旁边帮忙,在偷师。我 agak agak 都会了多半!!


而妈妈一心想开餐馆,但爸爸的工作还未稳定,所以连基本概念都没有。唯一的希望,就在 KAIMA & KAIYE 身上,希望火锅店能成功旺起来!

在准备的过程中,外婆说 :“ 如果我们家先从卖辣椒做起,可以吗?”

在外面卖的小小罐,辣椒种子又没有清干净,不够香,都卖 RM8。
如果我们也卖 RM8, 但有本事的人一定吃得出,什么才是真材实料。那,我们家的辣椒,行吗?



如果真的成功,我想取名为 # 阿婆虾米辣!#

Monday, February 7, 2011

5 个小瓜

她们是我马六甲的堂妹. 伟大的婶婶,一手带大 5个小瓜


这张照片是她们 MMS 给我妈妈,告诉我们,他们很平安,很开心

我爸我妈常常告诉我,不管怎么样,都要好好照顾她们。虽然我们没有真正的血缘关系,但我们的名字,已把 7 个人紧紧牢靠在一起。

你们5个 :

今年新年阿伯,伯母,羽健哥哥 & 羽芳姐姐 无法到马六甲去看你们。对不起啊。你们也搬了新家,还习惯吗?6个女的住在一起,一切小心!外婆和外公那里少了你们的声音,一定不习惯吧。还有,新家那里虽然老人家说有神庙保佑,但是印度人太太太多了,出路要注意。

阿嫲说她很想念你们。 有可能,初八后会下马六甲一日游去探望你们 =D


JIE JIE & Bunny wish you 


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Chinese New Year

We enjoyed Chinese New Year while we're still a kiddo. Doesn't mean that i am old right now kay.
But the fact is.. We just feel the Tired instead of Happy in CNY when we grow up.
I damn miss my childhood life. I missss it soooo muchiiieeee!

When i am still a kiddo,
Before reunion dinner. 3 family gather together and talk loud loud, laugh loud loud. After dinner, fire cracker time. No police, No complain.

When i grow up,
Before reunion dinner, all family seperated. Because we no longer stay together in a house. so, sendiri makan snediri. After dinner. do nth. Watching neighbour kids play fire cracker, police came, because of complain. A nice change campare to the past is. Whole family went Dazhi Library to 点头香, not only me =D

When i am still a kiddo,
On the 1st day of CNY, climb over the wall and wake my neighbour up. All 舅公,舅婆,姨公,姨婆,表舅舅,表舅母 & all cousins will come to my house. We wish everyone with a friendly smile and we get lot lot of ang pao. We know somebody was stingy to give ang pao, but we dont care. We received one also very happy, we just care what we wanna play later. Gamble without money. Laugh happily.

When i grow up,
On the 1st day of CNY. No climb here and there. Stay at home do housework like sial. Like the past, they came. But not all. you know why? the someone that only have 1 kid or even doesn't have 1,they cant receive any angpao from others but they have to came here have to distribute many. So, they reject to come. Whatever, we still wishing everyone Gong Xi Fa Cai with a nice smile. but the different is. We dont even get an ang pao.  长大了,学会看清人心。没关系,没修养的人,不用来往 ( MAMA, 2011)


cut the crap. complaining here and there. I know it isn't good. so, CUT THE CRAP.

I enjoyed the day before CNY but not during CNY :(
Lets the photo tells story to you :D

The preparation of CNY :)

1) bathe! Smelly wang wang finally smell nice now! :)

2) Bake cornflakes cookies. wow! nice taste right?
( hope your sick is not because of these =((

Failed. Alamak. Nvm, good try. bake again!

The success 1 :D with a failure

3) Na pet brother with hair band. Obviously, forced by me :) what a nice sister he has. heheheee
he wash shoe, i lap here and thr.

The really sad case was.. I cant go back to Melacca and play with my cousins. take angpao from daddy side relatives :( i Missss them..
My cute cousin sister take photo for us. Her mama wish us Happy New Year :)

We usually call her Mak Cik Satu. 大伯母 :)

Enjoy your New Year People ! New year new life. GAMBATEH =D

*i must find something to entertain myself instead of planting mushroom on head and just wait for ang pao*

Mr.G, you're right. Vacation  on CNY  is a best choice while you grow up. Enjoy your Taiwan trip. But dont be a fatty boom boom. :)

Ciaoz people. Off to dinner. then plant mushroom again. Nice Plan duh...