4 july 2009early in da morning, i went school because TERTIPU by miss blur queen yongyeelin!
taking report card today..well..
5A8, is the biggest class in sch, our class hv
44 students~
WOWbut...the student went to sch 2day is...jz...
17 students?!!!
*so proud, i m among the 17 students*
they absent is not bcoz of afraid to take report card...
they absent is bcoz of the...
sound good rite?
i duno hows the rules
xiang told me : put ut hand on the chair, run everywhere,its call ARMCHAIR TREASURE HUNT
u wana noe the rules? plz dun..if u dunno,better dun wan to noe...
cz...u may WAJIB pay rm3 , and share 1 newspaper with other 4 student!!
sitting at the
indoor not like indoor,outdoor not like outdoor d DEWAN SEBERGUNA~!
(takda guna lar langsung)
(1 newspaper rm? )wad the hell after the stup GAME, we went classroom n play play play
*aiwen, ur game is cruel...my leg red red lar x(and...we did this to
loved him!

p/s: spot the word?
出殡成功 =)
my mum came to took report card.
and talk to my teacher...
teacher :
yuefang ar, dia baik, tapi, selalu cakap cakap dalam clas,tak henti-henti tambahan pula, add math & ekonominya teruk sangat ==mum :
aiya, since dia std 1, semua cikgu cakap ini, ku dah biasa lar! add math? dia langsung takda buat kerja di rumah teacher :
kalau dia tak buat funny di kelas, rasanya gang gang yuefang boleh jadi lebih diam.(mean w/o me,my class will be more peace? wad the...)mum : (staring at me,but keep laughing)
ini anak ar..haiz...tak tau macam mana ajar lar...gila gila!! tapi nasib baik dia takda ada boyfren di sekolah...selalu kasar kasar ya cikgu? teacher :
ok ok la yuefang, dia quite bagus lor. takda ponteng, yang penting ialah...tak mau funny funny selalu...................................
PITY LIM YUE FANG ......................................

* i ate nasi lemak again!!!hurray! brave fang*!
(jz put pic here to show off=_=)
next station after SMK SRI SENTOSA!!
me, weiming and jeunn hao went to stadium putra, for CHEER 2009!!
we went thr is wana support our sch team, WARRIORS!
but..we missed it..when we reach,the host said : BREAK FOR 1 HOUR!!
wad the hell......fatt mou being thr...
but....we saw a pair of cute couple thr...
me n weiming beh tahan n capture it down =)

saw this? so cute
left is
orang india and right is
orang cina...
they are
congratz to the top 15 cheer team and
warriors, jiayou bah
the next day, 5/7
the result is out...
1st - BLITZERS!!!!!! i heart them =)
3rd - CALYX
4th - TITANS
WARRIORS , you are the BEST NEW COMER..!