wad for for going school this 2 day?
yesterday finished the sux exam
2day i went school..sure gt reason..
1) the duno add math d ppl -
lim yue fang , wana pass up her ADD MATH PROJECT!
2) play GAMES at class
3) dated with
Kit Yee, Wei Ming and Hao went The Gardens sing k..
------------- stop being lame here =) -------------wana noe wad we played at class? hoho...
long story...
but use the MOST LONG TIME IS
接龙游戏。(use chinese word)
* 巧克力 - 力道无穷 - 穷光蛋 - 蛋壳 - 核子弹 - 弹珠 - 猪八戒 - 戒律 - 律师 - 司机 - 鸡丝 - 事事如意 - 一二三四 - 四面八方 - 方块 - 快快来 - 来月经 - 经痛 - 痛到ah kua头晕 - 晕倒在地上 - 上刀山下油锅 - 郭美美 - 美若天仙 - 仙女很美丽 - 粒粒皆辛苦 - 苦瓜脸很丑怪 - 怪咖就是你 - 你很奇怪 - 乖乖听妈妈的话 - 话中有话 - 话不投机两句多 - 多愁善感 - 赶鸡牛羊 - 杨宗伟 *FAN bah...but we quite fun..hahamost geng is go GARDENS sing k..conclusion = 4 ppl throat gonna pain pain n pain!!lim yue fang - got mic dun wan use...use shout >.<tung kit yee - non stop singing... =)soh wei ming - the newbie to k box, sing till vry high XDDDDDchong jeunn hao - diam diam sitting at the corner.at last, more high thn me! X))))))~~''...~~''...~~''... now waiting the time to movie next week i think!! TERMINATOR! ...''~~..."~~...''~~now my feeling...
same as when i was small little fang =)
happy happy over 1 day, MOU YAO MOU LUI....
i love the feel today~
so so so so FULL !! THANKS MY DEAR FRENS =)

pity su-ianne, ur pic is here =) my cousin n I...
obviously...the BIGGEST child is me!
but the 'sui' is....
we are
=) <3